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Sunday 30 March 2014

[Review] MBLAQ - Broken

1. Broken (Intro)

This intro is nice, a guess but as I rule I hate intro/outros. They generally make me really angry because they are bland and boring or I want them to be full songs. This is this latter. I love the smooth laid back feel of this intro and the singing is really relaxing while still be interesting an dramatic. I really like this but I jus wish it was longer.


2. 남자답게 (Be A Man)

This is the title track it has the same feel as the intro so the album flows nicely. The song is okay. I personal don't like this track and maybe this is why the intro isn't a full song. I find it seems to drag and I don't like the high whispery singing. The be a man line in brilliant I love that singing it's strong while still being soft. I only wish the whole song sounded like this because I might have enjoyed it more.

3. 우리사이 (Our Relationship)

I'm a sucker for whistling. I love it in songs so I was liking this song from the start. While this song is much better it's still lacking a bit of umph. This song is forgettable and blends with thousands of other songs. While this isn't bad it's still slightly bland.


4. 12개월 (12 Months)

This song has this eerie breathing in the background which creeps me out a bit. The song starts in a similar way to the other songs but it picks up at the chorus and make it much more interesting. I like the chorus, it's fun and not bland. The song doesn't blend together, it has distinct sounds which is lacking in the other track. This song has indeed 'no more cry'.


5. 열쇠 (Key)

The ballad track. I can already feel myself switching off because when it comes to ballads I'm fussy. This doesn't really capture me although it's not terrible. I has a steady beat and it's complete powerful, sad singing. It does have some substance, unfortunately its still a bit meh.


6. 둘이라서 (Because There are Two)

The intro starts song introduce a nice beat which continues throughout the album. The rap verse really stand out in the song and I enjoyed it, as it fits well into the song. I don't have anything bad to say about this song but I have nothing that gets me excited either.

7. Still With You (Outro)

The outro fits well in with the album but ultimately I find it doesn't really add anything and it just seems pointless

0/5 (It is pointless)

If you like one song on this album you'll like all of them. While it's not a bad album and the songs are consistent, the songs don't stand out, instead thy sounds too alike and blend together. This album just isn't anything special.

Album: 3.2/5

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