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Monday 31 March 2014

[Review] Super Junior M - Swing

1. Swing (Korean Version)
This song as such a cool, jazzy vibe and I love it. I love when the chours speeds everything up and they heeyyy eyyyy is just great. My one problem with this song is the dance break which sounds to heavy against the rest of the song and lasts just a tad too long.


2. 飞翔 (Fly High)
This song is awesome. I love the pop-rock of this. It's a song that I'm going to dance around the house too. This song reminds me of the boy groups I used to listen to when I was younger. It's a total feel good song.


3. 无所谓 (My Love For You)
The acoustic guitar gives the song a nice and peaceful feel, which is a nice contrast with Fly High. This is the smooth ballad type of song and while I'm not a big fan of ballads this one is good. I enjoy it. I admit I melt at the nanana nana part near the end.

4. Strong (强势入侵)
Okay this song is loud. I had to turn the volume down for fear of bursting my ears. This song is an upbeat, fast tempo dance track. It's good. I like it a lot although at times I think there is just slightly too much going on. The break down fits in with the song and doesn't seem out of place. Hurrah. But what's with the random English words after this. Fever, tears chestpain, headache. I presume they fit into the lyrics but they just seem a bit random in the song.


5. Addiction (入迷)
This song, this song is amazing. Ugh. I can't. I have no words other then why is it kinda of short only being 2 minutes and 45 seconds long and that weird sounding voice near the end, why does it sound like that, I had to drop 0.1 for that.


6. 一分后 (After a Minute)

And here is the proper ballad. I like the clock that I introduced at the start and continues though the sog, it's nice. The chorus hits you hard. The harmonizing is perfect and even as someone who hasn't got a clue what is being said, I get it. This is how a ballad should be done, everyone take note. I get the emotion without also falling asleep.


7. Swing (嘶吼) (Chinese Version)

The Chinese version of this is exactly the same as the Korean version, except sung in a different language so it's just a matter of which language you prefer. I think for this song I prefer the Korean version because the prouncication of the words seem to fit better. The chorus doesn't sound as strong in this version, while in the Korean it just feels better.


Overall Abum: 4.8/5

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