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Monday 26 May 2014

Vixx - Eternity

1. Eternity
I've been looking forward to this. Vixx is back. After emerging at as one of the top boys groups of 2013, I was keen to hear their music again. This song is different from Vixx's unusual title track style. It lacks the creepiness and the catchy chorus. Because of that it doesn't feel like a complete Vixx song and seems to be lacking. There are no 'I need therapy' or 'I feel, I feel fantastic' lines. But none the less the song is still a good song. The ohhh off, parts of the song are still haunting and give me chills.


2. Love LaLa
This song is more laid back. I don't have any strong opinions on this song. For me it's just there. I don't like it but I don't hate. I find it extremely forgettable and a bit boring.


3. Sad Ending
For a song called sad ending, this is a happy sounding song. Again this song doesn't grab me. It's not bad but it's good but I think I was honestly expecting more from Vixx, maybe that's the problem. The song is good song.


Overall I think I was expected to much. I give it 3.9/5


Sunday 25 May 2014

LiSa - Rising Hope

1. Rising Hope
As you guys may know, I quite like Anime music. I like this song. It's pretty awesome. It has a good rock beat and the singing, which I usually find the problem, is good. At times the shouting gets a bit annoying but otherwise a good song.


2. Poker Face
I like this song too, it's a bit slower paced then the title song, but the beat makes up for it.


3. (Limited and Regular Edition) Footprints Compass

This song is different then the previous tracks as it has a haapy feel to it. The rock is minimised and replaced by a feel good happy tune.


3. (Anime Edition) You And The Sky After Rain

This song is again different being a ballad. It's forgettable and I don't really like it because I'm not a ballad person and this song hasn't changed that.


Overall this single gets a 3.9/5.


Saturday 24 May 2014

T-ARA - Gossip Girl

1. Just Now
I'm so excited to review this. I really like T-ARA and I'm sure this album will be as good as I expect it to be. I'm not looking forward to paying for this album though. Anyway this first song, it's a good song to open the album with. It's upbeat and happy, with the electric pop I associate with T-ARA. the song is T-ARA with the Japanese sound. It's an good album track.


2. Lucky Wanabeee!
This song has that T-ARA sound. It's got a heavy electric beat and electric sounds, and a darker undertone. Then the chorus is upbeat and has a fast tempo. It has that hook, 'lalalala lucky lucky wanabeeeeeee' I love T-ARA hooks. This song is catchy but not as catchy as some of their other releases.


3. Number Nine (Japanese Version)
The Japanese version of their Korean hit. I'll be honest I prefer the Korean version, because the lyrics don't seem to quite fit in the Japanese version and the singing seems not as heartful, it sounds slightly subdued at times.

Pearl Edition, CD Only

4. Lead The Way
Previously released as a single. I didn't like it then and things haven't changed. I feel this is one of the weaker songs on the album. The song lacks that awesomeness I expect and the song is just flat and boring which is a shame because T-ARA can do ballads really well, this song is just meh.


5. Keep On Walking
This song reminds me of a video game, it has that 8-bit music. I like this song. It's not my favourite on the album but it's not the worse. A song good enough to be on the album.


6. Knockin' On My Heart
This is the typical T-ARA song. It's okay. Not the best but not the best. I like the 'nanana' and the song includes a range of tempo's to make it interesting. The chorus is a bit meh but the verses make up for it.


7. Musica Musica
Another electric song, this song seems a bit plain with nothing to make it stand out against other songs. Not really much else to say.

Sapphire Edition, CD + DVD

8. Watashidoshiyou (Japanese Version)
Again, similar to Number Nine the Japanese version of Do You Know Me, isn't as good. Although this could be because I'm so used to listening to the Korean version, the Japanese version sounds too different. The English in the chorus, I find quite distracting but that is probably just me.


9. La'boon
Again, this song was realeased as a single with Lead The Way and I don't really like that much. I find it average and the repeaing of La'boon fails as a hook and is just annoying.


Diamond Edition, CD + DVD + Photobook
10. A-Ha
On iTunes this was the least popular song. It's not as bad as I expected it to be. I love the jazzy, old time feel this song has. It sticks out on the album as it's doesn't mash with the other songs on the album and it just seems out of place.


11. Kioku - Kimigu Kureta Michishirube
A ballad to close the album. It's not the strongest T-ARA ballad but it's pleasant enough I guess.


12. T.T.L. Time To Love (Japanese Version) (Dj Hanmin Remix)
If you want this track on the album your going to have to hurry because it's only available on First Pressed Editions. The song is the remix Japanese version of the Korean track. The Korean of this song was perfect and I think this remix version is a bit messy. At times there are just too many sounds going on, taking away from the original version.


Overall, this is not the best T-ARA album, it's far from it. But it still gets a 3.7, good for most groups but I would imagine far below the normal T-ARA album.


AKB48 - Labrador Retriever

1. Labrador Retriever
So AKB48 are back with their new single. The title being Labrador Retriever. I always find AKB48 and all the 48 groups to be a bit hit and miss. This song is defiantly a miss for me. It's bland, boring and pretty forgettable... but I expected it because the title tracks are usually pretty bad.


2.  The Melody Until Today (Yuko Oshima's Graduation Song)
This song is sad, clearly. Yuko Oshima has been a member since Aitakatta and is one of the most popular members singing in every A-side since Aitakatta (except the Rock/Paper/Scissors singles). Overall, while I don't like the song, it's not my style. I can see why this song could be a favourite due to it's sentimental feelings it brings.


3. (Type A) You Are Fickle

Okay, since AKB48, is a Japanese groups naturally we have several versions of the single, a grand total of 9 different version. 5 different versions, 4 of them limited editions. The first is Type A, where the song is sung by Team A. The normal edition is the one where the girls are wearing the pastel dresses while the limited edition is the one the girls are sitting down. I'm not sure on this song. It's better then the title but I think it's still fairly average. It's very forgettable and not the best AKB48 song.


3. (Type K) My Dear Rival
I was expecting more from this track, as Team K, is my favourite Team because their songs just ttend to suit my taste more. I wasn't disappointed. The best song on the single. It's an upbeat dance track with everything I like about AKB48, including the awesome Guitar break. I may even be tempted to buy this version, although I would have to get the normal because I think my parents would have qustions if I got the limited edition.


3. (Type B) B Garden
This song is the happy cheery song, I expect from Team B. It really is just fun and simply, not the best, but not the worse.


3. (Type 4) The Heart Escape Game
Team 4 is still trying to find their place in AKB48, and this song helps. The group's concept is cute and you can see it very clearly. It an average cute song and doesn't really make me interested.


3. (Theatre Edition) We Were Cheating
The song is sung by Kojima Haruna (Team A) and a member of staff Kitagawa Kenji. The song is very un AKB sounding. It's sounds older and there is no bubblegum pop to this song. I don't think I have ever heard an AKB song sound like this. I quite like it.


Overall this single gets 3.4. I just want to know what the next Team will be called since while they haven't released any music, Team 8 does exist.... or does this mean no more teams?

M.Pire - Rumour

1. Not That Kind Of Person
The rookie group is back and this song was used as their title track. It's a happy song. The underline jazz beat is great. It's a sound not heard often in K-Pop. However, the song doesn't grab me. It's not bad but I find it quite forgettable. It may grow on me but at this point I'm not sure on it.


2. 0324 (Becoming A Star)
This a slower song, which I expected from M.Pire because they gravitate towards this sort of song. Unfortunitly, I don't like this kind of song. And this song is really unremarkable. It's such a shame because I want to love this group. From what I've seen they seem so normal and likable guys and obviously Lumin, used to be a member of F.Cuz which is a group I couldn't stan harder if I tried. I'll keep a look out for their next release and hope it's not as mediocre as this.


Overall 3.4/5

Thursday 22 May 2014

Jiyeon (T-ARA) - Never Ever

1. 1 Minute, 1 second
This is the time for solo's and singles. JiYeon from T-ARA also released her single. But this title song falls flat. I find it boring and forgettable. It doesn't have the catchiness that I think I was expecting from a member of T-ARA. The lyrics, do stick with me. The song is about a girl who can't stand to be away from a boy and says that she can never ever be without him, not for 1 miniute or even a second. JiYeon told the press she wanted to show that T-ara weren't going away and I wonder if that what she was thinking thoughout this song. Either way, I don't really like it.


2. Yeouido Cherry Blossom Road
This song is instantly more catchy then the previous. The beat is a lot more interesting and the instruments are those you usually year. The chorus's ;I don't know I don't know; is catchy, not as catchy as some other recent solo's but catchy enough.


3. Marionette
However, this is the best song on the single, in my opinion. It managers to keep the soft sound but adds power to the song so it doesn't put me to sleep. I really like the chorus. The whole single isn't my style but this song could be a grower.


Overall, this album was the music I was expecting, but T-ara recently released a Japanese album which I imagine I'll rate better then 3.7/5

Hyosung (Secret) - Top Secret

1. You Don't Know Women (feat J'Kyun)
The solo single from the member of Secret. Two versions of the singe were releases the limited edition (Pink) and normal edition (Black) I personally think the black cover is a lot better. I really like this song. I love how it has a saxophone in it, the whole sing has an electric jazz sound and it's really different, not something I can say I've really heard often. The rapper J'Kyun does well, his voice and style fits the song really well. Hyosung herself really pulls the song off, I wasn't sure if she had the presence to sing songs by herself but she does.


2. Good-Night Kiss
At first I hated this song, the annoying high pitched voice really put me off this song, but as time has gone on this song has grown on me. Still not overly fan of that squeaky voice or the contrast deeper voice that appear after the chorus but I've grown to ignore it because the song is great. The chorus is super catchy 'kiss on my, kiss on my lips' It instantly gets stuck in my head and if I hear it I spend the rest of the day singing the chorus. It's a fun song, that's memorable and I don't want anything else.


3. I Hate The Night
 Before checking out the single, this seemed to be the favourite song. The verse starts slow but builds up into a chorus that then falls slightly flat. But it's okay because the beat keeps the it from sinking. I think the chorus falls slightly short and it's not as awesome I was hoping fall after the build up to it. I like the bridge but for me this song isn't as good as the other songs on the single.


Overall I give this single 4.5/5


G.NA - Pretty Lingerie

This song is cute. It's nice and it has a catchy beat. It's not the most hooking song and to me sounds like an Album track, not a promotional song. I was expecting better and recently G.NA's songs just don't make an impact on me. They aren't bad but they are bland and a do worry if at this point G.NA can re gain the popularity she used to have. Also once again it seems the music video has tried to be funny but it doesn't work and just looks bad. I think Cube should stop trying to make 'funny' music videos because they aren't good at it.
