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Thursday 22 May 2014

Hyosung (Secret) - Top Secret

1. You Don't Know Women (feat J'Kyun)
The solo single from the member of Secret. Two versions of the singe were releases the limited edition (Pink) and normal edition (Black) I personally think the black cover is a lot better. I really like this song. I love how it has a saxophone in it, the whole sing has an electric jazz sound and it's really different, not something I can say I've really heard often. The rapper J'Kyun does well, his voice and style fits the song really well. Hyosung herself really pulls the song off, I wasn't sure if she had the presence to sing songs by herself but she does.


2. Good-Night Kiss
At first I hated this song, the annoying high pitched voice really put me off this song, but as time has gone on this song has grown on me. Still not overly fan of that squeaky voice or the contrast deeper voice that appear after the chorus but I've grown to ignore it because the song is great. The chorus is super catchy 'kiss on my, kiss on my lips' It instantly gets stuck in my head and if I hear it I spend the rest of the day singing the chorus. It's a fun song, that's memorable and I don't want anything else.


3. I Hate The Night
 Before checking out the single, this seemed to be the favourite song. The verse starts slow but builds up into a chorus that then falls slightly flat. But it's okay because the beat keeps the it from sinking. I think the chorus falls slightly short and it's not as awesome I was hoping fall after the build up to it. I like the bridge but for me this song isn't as good as the other songs on the single.


Overall I give this single 4.5/5


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