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Tuesday 6 May 2014

Exo - Overdose

1. Overdose

Exo have finally released there new mini album after weeks of delay. Due to various leaks I had already heard this song before the music video official came out. I love this song.  It's got the excitement of MaMa combined with the slowness of growl to create this piece of perfection. The chorus is great, the break in the music at the start where the music dies down a bit is just perfect. Since this Exo there are two versions of every song. For this song I actually prefer the K version. Something about the M version isn't right. Maybe it's just that Mandarin doesn't suit this song as well it still gets the same score.

K= 5/5 M=5/5

2. Moonlight
This song is slower and the whole album is generally more RnB style then previous albums. For those who like that style you'll like this album more then some of their albums. I don't like this style as much and moonlight is a good example at that. This song is a really nice slow RnB style song if you like that style this is probably great, but I don't and I find this song a bit bland compared to what I've come to expect from Exo. For this song I once again think that the K version is better. It's seems to flow better and have more power that the M version lacks.

K=4/5 M=3.9

3. Thunder
As I've already said, I don't like this style but this song... I can see it growing on me. It's smooth and just more likable then Moonlight. The Thunder, Thunder melts me and the bridge literally perfect. Even listening to it again I can feel myself liking it more. The ooh ooh's are just really nice. As too which group I prefer I think it's a tie.

K=4.8 M=4.8

4. Run

Okay, looking around this doesn't seem to be a popular song.  It's very similar to 3.6.5, which was in their full length album. It's a fun light-hearted song and it's very good at being a light hearted and fun song and I fully enjoy this song.

K=4.5 M=4.5

5. Love Love Love

Similar to Thunder I can see this song growing on me. This song sounds like a cross between Run and Thunder. It has the laid back ness of Thunder but the fun of Run mixed into it. I can also safely say that the M version is better then the K

K=4.6/5 M=4.8/5
Overall both versions get 4.6/5


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