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Thursday 15 May 2014

Kris Leaving EXO, my thoughts.

Hello everyone.

I don't often make posts like this and I am on some kind of hiatus, (my exams are going mostly okay, except during a exam on the Crusaders and got asked to right 2 pages on castles, but that's off topic), but this news of Kris, filing a lawsuit against SM because he wants out of his contract has not only shocked me but shocked the Kpop community as a whole. I feel like some people aren't looking at the situation with an open mind and I feel like there are lots of fingers being pointed and rumours running wild and I just want to share my thoughts.

First, it seems no one saw this coming. Not fans or even the other members themselves I was shocked that this happened but we can't say there haven't been signs. Kris returned to Canada for 2 months randomly last year? I think, and maybe it was a sign that for whatever reasons Kris wasn't happy in EXO.

We don't know what these reasons are, and we probably never will. There are rumours that Kris was getting acting roles but SM was turning them down other rumours saying that Kris just wasn't enjoying the idol life and give it a couple more days I'm sure there will be some ridiculous rumour, like he's a lizard and someone discovered it and he had to leave the group or else be exposed. These are all just hear says and looking at past groups we can be sure that only the people directly involved in the matter will know the truth.

Since the news was announce there have been lots of people looking for someone to blame. The main person getting the blame is SM. I can honestly say that this was my first thought as well. Members wanting out of contracts seems to be an SM only thing. I seriously can't think of any other company that has had members file lawsuits to get out of contracts. Both Hangeng from Super Junior and JYJ from TVXQ filed lawsuits against SM in 2009/2010. These past incidents natural make many think that SM is clearly the problem and they could be. In both cases the members leaving their groups won the lawsuit. However, maybe SM is innocent this time, it would be the first time, but they are innocent until proven otherwise. The rumours that SM have been denying Kris acting jobs, seems to many as a reason for him wanting to leave and other artists under SM have also said that SM has been rejecting them acting offers so this claim is certainly valid. However they are just rumours and that must be remembered throughout the case.

I'm also seeing many blame the fellow members of EXO, with some saying that they clearly weren't supporting Kris enough if he wants to leave and now after he has filled his lawsuit they are trying to isolate him by unfollowing him on social networks. There are many things we need to consider here. The first that EXO weren't supporting Kris. Only they know if they were or not, that is again something that we will probably never know. If they weren't supporting Kris then yes, it could be there fault that he wants to leave the group, if they were supporting him then it's not there fault, but as I've said we don't, and will probably never will know this information. The members of EXO have expressed that they did not now this was going to happen and many are using this to say that Kris wasn't close to the group because if he was close to the group then he would have stated his intentions. I would presume that Kris wouldn't of told the members for fear that it might of got out and then SM would have taken actions before he could file the lawsuits. It is also possible that the members of EXO knew this was going to happen but are pretending to be shocked because they don't want SM to know that they already knew. Or it's also possible that SM are telling the members to say they didn't know in an attempt to isolate Kris.

Isolating Kris is something that SM may be doing. They have done similar things in the past to members that have left the company in similar manners. The social media posts may well be being controlled by SM and not the members of EXO themselves. It's not unusual for managements to take control of celebrities social media accounts, I can safely say this happens all other the world and wouldn't be isolated just to SM. If SM is controlling social media it's unfair for people to presume that things being posted their directly reflect how the members of EXO are feeling and SM could be trying to create a him or us feel among fans forcing them to pick sides. Regardless weather this is their aim of not, many fans are picking sides between EXO or Kris.

While SM may be controlling social media accounts it is equally possible that they are not and the members are in complete control of these accounts and the actions. I feel like the members of EXO have the right to be angry with Kris. EXO, like all idol groups have worked extremely hard to get to where they are, countless hours of training with very little rest and I will argue that EXO has had to deal with some of the worse saesungs in history, which adds to the hardships they have had to endue. With only around 9 days till there first concert I can imagine the members feeling angry at Kris's decision to quit halfway though promoting and so close to their first solo concert. I know if it was me I would be extremely disappointed to have worked so hard only to now risk loosing everything over this scandal. Kris really couldn't have picked a worse time to file the lawsuit and I wonder after all these years why he couldn't wait till after the group had had their concert and finished promotions for 'Overdose'. And if he couldn't wait any longer, if the situation was that bad why wait so long to file a lawsuit in the first place. I know this sounds like an attack on Kris but I'm just trying to show that his timing for the lawsuit seems extremely bad and that maybe he is the one in the wrong.

But I can also see why he would want to quit. Being an idol is hard and the rumours are that Kris just didn't like the idol life. Working for so many hours, being so far away family, having to always seem happy and being with the same people all day everyday. I can totally see why Kris would want out. As much as I enjoy K-Idol music, I would never, ever want to be one because I know that I could never handle the pressure. Just being with the same people day in day out would drive me insane and there's nothing to rule out Kris just not getting along with other members. This wouldn't be the first case of members leaving (quit or kicked) a group because of the tense relationships between members in the groups. I know that while not always made public, members in groups are constantly falling out. These people do not choose to be with these group of people, they are placed there, just like school or work. You don't choose who you work with and won't always like the people you work with. It's easy to see how this may have affected the members of EXO.

My final, and also my main point is, it doesn't matter who we try and blame. No one here is winning. Everyone is this situation is a loser. Fans are loosing an idol, the members of EXO are loosing someone whom they have worked with for several years and face potential repercussions because of this. SM now have a huge crisis on their hands, I can't imagine they wanted another idol filling a lawsuit futher ruining there reputation because for us outsiders we have to question what's going on in there. Kris probably doesn't gain anything, just because he was sad in his current situation doesn't necessarily mean he wanted to leave the group, but maybe he felt he had no other choice and the decision is crushing him too. It's unfair to everyone to pick sides and try and find someone to blame, which seems to be what most fans are trying to do. It's a sad event but there is nothing to stop people supporting both Kris and EXO. So I'll wish Kris my best, I hope he gets out of the contract and finds happiness somewhere else since that seems to be what he wants and I hope the members of EXO will be able to continue without him while staying friends if they want to be.

And after this happy post please think of me trying to revise for my English Literature exam tomorrow which I have no doubt I'm going to do terrible at.


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