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Wednesday 9 April 2014

[Review] Disacode - Sakura x Kuroku x Kuraku

1. Sakura Kuroku Kuraku
I like the instrumental to this song but I find Akira's voice to deep for my liking. And because of that I struggle to like this song but the other two members of Disacode are rocking this song.


2. Eve No Uragiri
I like this song better because Akira's voice fits the song better, her deep voice blends in better with the instruments but I still don't like her voice that much.


3. Hide to Tears in Smile Forest
This song has slower parts and once again her voice matched even more here except in the chorus where it gets really deep again.


4. Bakashiai
Her voice sounds so much better here, her voice sounds a normal pitch and now I really like this song. I think it's fairly good. My problem with this album is that the songs don't sound different enough they are sound too similar too each other.


5. Trap - The Spider Cobwebs
This song conflicts me.


6. Sayonara  - Never See You Again
At this point, I want to move on. I'm done with this album. It's mostly boring and I want to listen to something else. This song is perfectly placed at number 6 because this song sounds distinctly different to every song we have had so far. It's slower with a nice rock background and while it's not a song I'm going to rave about it adds a lot to this album so it doesn't sound too samey and for that reason. I like it.


7. Love in Love
After the softness of the last song, we go straight back into the harder rock but I like this song. The beat is catchy and the singing is normally pitched. YAY. This is one of the better songs on the album because it seems more fun then the other tracks and is slightly more easy listening.


8. Arco Iris
And here comes the deep voice again, and once again the songs are beginning to merge into each other and I forget which ones belong to which. The versus in this song are some of my favourite in the album, so this song does get some credit here


9. Boku Wa Omocya
Another stand out track because it doesn't sound like every other song. This sounds like a anime theme song. It's got a really fast tempo and it's just awesome. My favourite track on the album because of this. I love the creepy but fun toy piano that's used in the song, it adds that sense of fun and creepiness and reminds me off a carnival


10. Nanashi No Hero
The last song and the deep voice has returned, what a bad way to end the album. This song would of been so much better without the deep voice. The whole hero lyrics are brilliant. :(


Overall this album gets 3.6/5

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