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Wednesday 23 April 2014

[Review] GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE - Never Let You Go

1. Never Let You Go
This song is okay, I'm not fallen in love with it but it's easy to listening to. It has a laid back pop boy group feel, and it's just a pleasant song. I guess.


2.  Revolver
I like this song a lot more then Never Let You Go. it's a lot more interesting as it's a faster paced song. At times the autotune is a bit too much and too noticeable for my liking and the high note in the chorus seems shaky but I will forget about these points because they don't take away from the overall song.


3. Hot Shot (English Version)
I know this is the English version but the auto tune it so heavy that I'm struggling to make out any English, it just sounds like gibberish to me. I'm not saying the English is bad, in fact what I can hear in the chorus is said perfectly. No, the problem here is that it's been over produced and I literally can't make out any words. I don't speak Japanese but I wonder if this was a problem on that track as well, I'll be interested to no if anyone can tell me. The song is okay but I do think the Japanese version sounds better.


 Overall this single gets a 3.8/5

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