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Tuesday 15 April 2014

[Review] Kotobuki Minako - Believe x

01.Believe ×
This day gets better and better. I keep expecting soppy ballad songs and thankfully for the most part we don't get any of the. It's so nice not having to listen to any ballads. This song is a fee good song for jamming out when no one is around. It's not the best or the most interesting thing I've listening to today and it lacks points in the originality department but it gets some brownie points for not being horrible to listen to.


I knew it had to end. I knew I would eventually get a ballad. This is fairly average and you guys know me. I sturuggle to talk about songs that are average because I don't know what to say. The song is average all over. It's okay to listen to, but nothing special at all. I song I wouldn't change the radio station but I would forever skip on my mp3.

Overall this single gets a 2.9/5

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