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Sunday 13 April 2014

[Review] Khalil Fong - Dangerous World

01. Welcome
This track is 7 seconds long. 7 seconds, and it's a guy talking in a creepy tuned voice. That is it.


02. 危險世界
This was not the song I was expecting after the intro and the album cover but I was pleasantly surprised. I like this song. It seems normal, a rarity in a lot f Japanese music a review. This song is carefree pop song. It's laid back and it's okay.

03. Peace  (featuring Tia Ray)
From a casual pop song we are now into an RnB/ hip hop song and it's in near perfect English. It's a bit of a simply song but it's enjoyable. I'm going to be singing 'Peace Love, Living in Harmony all day now'


04. 小方
And it's been mixed up again. This another RnB type of song. It has a really heavy beat and the rapping and singing both fit this song really nicely. It's not my favourite song, but it's okay.

05. Soundcheck
This is a break song. I've forgotten what to call these, it's like an intro song but in the middle of the album. It is literally a sound check. It adds nothing to the album at all.


06. 黑白灰
I like the weird sound of this song. It seems really theatrical with the carnival sounding piano and the clapping as the main beat. It's an interesting song and I' not sure if I like it or not but it's a song I'm going to remember.


07. 桃花運
I don't like this song. It's a boring ballad. There is nothing special about it. I've heard it a thousand times and as you know, I am not a ballad person. If you like the ballads you might like this song because it's the same generic ballad.

08. 特別的人
And this was another ballad. Huh... I picked this album to review because the album over looked really bad ass but these songs are not what I expected at all. This ballad isn't as boring as the track above so it credit for that. Actually it's not that bad of a ballad. It fairly generic and I don't know what makes it different but it is listenable.

09. Weather Report
Another break in the album. It is a weather report and someone is making tea. I don't get it. Maybe this track fits in lyrically with the album but from my point of view it just seems random. What is going on with this track.

10. 天氣先生
This is an RnB ballad. Of course. It's still pretty generic and I don't really like it. but it's not the worse song ever

11. 楓葉做的風鈴
This sounds like an underwater love song. It has a submarine pinging sound in the background and just a magical feel to it. It makes this song sound different and I'm going to remember this one. Well done for making a song that isn't boring and generic.

12. Boarding
It is him boarding a plane, he talks to someone on the phone. CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHY THIS HERE.

13. 巴黎
I don't like this song either. It's just a plain RnB song

14. 愛不來
This song I like. It's a nice upbeat RnB song. It's totally a song I want to download. It's fun and not boring. Woo. This song is actually really nice and a good song that leads nicely into the last two songs.

15. 僵屍
And finally this album starts to sing to me. I really like this song. Everything about this song is really get and I will be downloading this song it is just that good. It' just really memorable. We have left the boring ballads and now we have a rocking RnB, pop fusion song and I can't get enough of it.

16. Lights Up
The last song on the album. It's a nice song to finish the album on. It a good song the lyrics are questionable. "Turn the lights up put on your shoes" ???? Either way it's alright.


I give this album 3.3/5

1 comment:

  1. Nice review, Khalil Fong is one of my favourite artists

    track 7 is nice cause it's a callback to the oldies chinese music, style, voice, instrumentals, tempo, everything

    I'm not a fan on intro songs either, but when listened in order they set up the tone for songs nicely
