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Tuesday 15 April 2014

[Review] THE KIDDIE - 1414287365

01 1414287356
This song was not what I was expecting. I was totally expecting a hard core visual kei sounding group and that is not what I got, although this song is a rock song it's not nearly as heavy as I thought it would be. The lead singer has a nice voice and this song is really nice and easy to listen to. Where his voice goes deeper with the low sounding string instrument is golden, I love that part and the parts that totally rock out are enough to not put me off but enough to keep fans of the really heavy stuff interested. I feel like this song I more public friendly then most and for that reason I quite enjoy it.


02 全てはこの掌の中に
This is the song I expected the first track to be. At times this song sounds a bit sloppy and I wish parts of it had been tightened up but otherwise it's a really nice sounding song. It's heavy enough without destroying my ears and have a mentioned I really like this guys voice it's really nice to listen to.


03 蝕
I like this song as well. One thing bands struggle with is making songs sound different while keeping the same colour as the others and so far this group seem to be really good at this. This song is different then the first two. I love how this song plays around with sound having parts with just a guitar and drums and singing to parts with just drums to parts where they go all out on the instruments.


04 (Normal Edition Only) イデオロギー
At this point I hate this group. With the new Exo albums coming out next week plus albums I still haven't got I can't afford to be liking more groups. But here we are. I like this song too. I like how this song keeps it's own identity and is just another rocking song. The question now is which version of the album do I get. I'll post an update when I finally decide.


 This single gets a solid 4.4/5

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