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Thursday 17 April 2014

[Review] ZAQ - Noisy Lab

01.overture-Crescentic Lab. noiZ track-
I know I've said I don't like intros, but this is a perfect example of an intro that works. It sounds like some weird mysterious lab and it totally sets the scene for the rest of the album and it makes me want to listen to the rest of the album.


02.feel the noiZ
After the awesome intro this song was a bit underwhelming. It wasn't as amazing as I was hoping it would be but after a few listens it started to grow on me. The verses aren't as spectacular I was hoping for the chorus is pretty good. It gives off this awesome fantasy feel which I really like when done well


03.Sparkling Daydream
This song isn't as good as feel the noiZ because the singing is too screamy and high pitched. It's also not as interesting lacking the magically feel that I was hoping for. I do like how the song flows on nicely from the previous song.


I like this song. The background is more rocking however at times the singing sounds like a vocaloid. It's just goes a little too high and tuned. I love the dramatic chase sounding music in this song. This song has a strong theatrical feel to it and I like that.


This song is different because the singing sounds like a ghost. It's creepy sounding. They have but some effect on it which makes it sound scary, like a deranged serial killer. I don't know if I like this song of not because the creepy whispering has completely distracted me from the rest of the song but I think it's not horrible.


The creepy voice is gone but this song seems boring and at this point I'm starting to loose interest in this album. Sure there are some nice parts to this song. The build up to the chorus is really good but other then that it just seems to be lacking in everything.


This song is a club anthem type of song. I like it. It's a bit loud and annoying but otherwise it's an okay song. I like the sense of urgency that in this song.


This song is interesting, it has a weird vibe to it and I'm not sure if I like this weird feel to it. But I think I like it. I like how this song is a hybrid of different sounds


09.Play the ray
I think this song is okay but at times it sounds messy and at this point this album is boring me.


This song has a better beat then the previous song and it's somewhat interesting but the chorus is too intense and sound packed for my liking it's just a bit too much.


The singing in this is really high pitched and it's annoying and not pleasant to listen to.


I like the guitar in this song, it's fun and interesting and good to listen to but at times the singing seems unstable which ruins the song a bit.


13.long for you
A ballad song. For a ballad it's fairly standard. It's not horrible and somewhat enjoyable. Not much else to say about this song or album

 Overall I'm giving this album a 3/5

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