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Thursday 24 April 2014

[Review] SCREW - Fugly

If you listen to this song, don't do what I did and listen to it on full volume. My ears feel like they have exploded. Anyway once I could hear again I listened to this song a few more times and ultimately it's not bad. There is nothing wrong with it, it's a good rock song. I don't like the really deep gruffly yeah yeah yeah but that's just me. I also think at times their is just to much sound going on, too much guitar and drums and not a lot of anything else.


02. 呪縛は永劫に...
The screaming in this song, is too much for me and I can't help but laugh because at certain times during the screaming it sounds a cheetah. Maybe that's what it's meant to sound like but while listening to this song I just have a mental image of a bunch of cheetahs playing in a band and that image makes me laugh. I like the parts where there is normal singing, I really enjoy those pats and I would of much preferred this song if the whole song was more singing and less screaming. I love the abrupt break in the song where everything just stops and you just get a few moments of silence and the eerie singing before the music just suddenly starts again. I'm sure I've mentioned it before but I really like when songs do this. Even though there were parts of this song I liked the amount of screaming is just too much for.


03. (Normal Edition A) delete
There was a lack of screaming in this song which I appreciate because I just can't take all that screaming. This song is just singing and that singing is marvellous. I love it. The song however I find a bit bland. It seems watered down and it lacks any real power. While I don't like the screaming in the previous songs I do like that kind of hard rock and this song is a lot more mellow compared to them. I'm happy with a song with just singing but I wish it wasn't quite so mellow.


03. (Normal Edition B) ???
Normal Edition B has a different track but I have conflicted sources telling me what this song actually was. I'm going to go off iTunes and review the 4th track they have there and presume that I this third track on this version. According to iTunes they have a fourth track which is GT solo version of track number 2. So that will be the song I listen to and hopeful sometime soon I'll figure out what track is actually included on this version

So as I've said this is GT's solo version of track number two and they sound very much the same. I'm sure there is a difference but I don't think it's that significant. I also couldn't find out which member GT was so I couldn't even attempt to figure out what the difference was, I think the guitar sounds different. I don't know guys, I don't know.



I think the track number 3 on the normal edition b is a new recording of 至幸を狂わす半解な天秤, I haven't been able to find this track anywhere but when I do I'll be sure to update this article again.


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